Lourdes Valentin

 Lourdes Valentin is a singer/songwriter/guitarist and lover of creativity.

Currently, Lourdes has a One Woman Cabaret Show committed to bring beauty and wholesomeness to music with originals, contemporary and classic melodies.

Although English is her native language, her Cabaret Show includes

 Spanish, Italian and Portuguese interpretations.

One of her greatest accomplishments includes performing as a Soloist with 

the Greater Miami Symphonic Band. 

In early 2008 Christian Dior contracted Lourdes 

to perform a tribute to Billie Holiday for the opening of their new spring collection.

Daniel Delmont Entertainment

954  435-5270       (fax)  954 435 0280

email: Daniel@DanielDelmont.com


singers     comedy    duos & revues    concert artists    

novelty acts    book reviews    one man bands